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Yoga is about refining our perception; and perception is the key to taking

full advantage of life. -Rod Stryker-

Yoga Teacher Training 200 Hr

Become a Yoga Teacher

February 1 - March 15, 2024

This training will be a 6-week training, starts on February 1st and ends March 15th, 2024.


At the end (if you complete the hours) you will receive a certification that makes you a Yoga teacher. With this certification you can become a registered Yoga teacher with the Yoga Alliance in the States. (If you want) This training is registered by the Yoga Alliance and the program is based on the Yoga Alliance guidelines for a 200 hour Teacher Training. I am a registered experienced Yoga Teacher with the Alliance which means that I am certified to guide students to become teachers.  


In this course we will cover a lot of topics; Technique, Teaching Methodology, Anatomy, Philosophy, Ethics, Life-style and Practicum. 


Under Technique we study Asanas, Sanskrit, Pranayama, Meditation, Mudras, Mantra, Mandalas, Vayus (energetics) and your own practice and sequencing. 


Under Methodology we are dealing with how to teach, how to interact with your students, how to welcome your students, how to deal with problems and so on.


Anatomy has to do with everything in the body; the muscles, bones, glands, chakras, body problems and movements. 


Philosophy is the part that we dive into the history of Yoga, get to know the sage Patanjali, study the Eightfold Path, Yoga food, Yoga outside the studio into your daily life, who you are and what you want. The ethics as a yoga teacher and a start into Ayurveda. 


With Practicum you are teaching, receiving feedback and giving feedback to the others and finding your teaching voice. 

During this training it is important that you participate in the group classes at the Yogaloft or at the GYM with me. Next to the asana group classes we have the theory sessions.  Those will be held on Monday, Wednesday, Friday. Those will be 3 hours. From 11 AM till 2 PM. 


The price is 2,000 US, and can be paid in parts. It can be paid in US or Pesos.  In cash or with PayPal. The group classes you have to pay yourself with a month card or any other package that works for you personally. 





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Anybody can breathe. Therefore anybody can practice yoga.

-T.K.V. Desikachar-

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